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  • 5 Reasons Why Christian Men Should Pursue Polygamy

    Let's dive right into it. But first things first, for all my fellow Christians out there, I need to clear something up. Contrary to what you might have been told, there's no biblical ban on polygyny. That is the term for a man having multiple wives. Seriously, take a moment to think about it. There are tons of things the Bible explicitly forbids, with punishments spelled out for each infraction, but polygyny ain’t one of ’em. No punishments, no condemnations, not even one negative word from God about it, nada. So let's put to rest this idea that polygamy was just some Old Testament thing that “God allowed because of war or needing to populate the earth”. And don't even get me started on the notion that “it always leads to disaster” schtick. Our spiritual ancestors, the whole lineage of Israel, came from a guy with four wives! And let's be real here, the divorce rate among Christians is sky high, even hitting 50%. So don't tell me monogamy is some kind of magic fix. It's time to rethink our approach. Our current system? It's far from perfect." For more on this check out my video “Investigating Polygamy: A Biblical Perspective”. Now with that out of the way, let’s begin… Reason #1: The Scarcity of Virtuous Women. Now, picture this: Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, writes in Proverbs 31:10, saying, "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." Why'd he say that? 'Cause he knew what's up. Virtuous women? They're like rare gems, and that’s why they are worth more than rubies. Think about it, In today's world, finding a woman of true virtue is like finding a needle in a haystack. It's like searching for a diamond in a sea of cubic zirconia. Seriously let's keep it real, have you seen what's out there lately? So, hold up, Pastor, let me get this straight. You're telling me I get one shot, one golden ticket, and I gotta hand it over to a woman who's already been around the block, dated and probably even slept with several dudes? She's been giving pieces of her heart away left and right, but I'm supposed to pony up? Nah, doesn't sit right with most men. See, back in the day, monogamy worked 'cause chastity was a big deal. But nowadays, asking men to marry women who've been playing the field under the guise of monogamy? Nah, that's just not realistic. So, listen up men, answer this question honestly, would you be more likely to marry a woman with a past if she was one of three wives and not your one and only? I think the answer is an obvious yes. Polygyny offers a realistic solution to cleaning up our current dating cesspool. It's time to face the facts and consider new options, gentlemen. Reason #2: Supporting and Protecting Women: Right now there's a major imbalance in the numbers game when it comes to marriageable women and men. I'm talking 20 million more women in the US church alone. That's a whole lot of ladies who need a covering, who need someone to look out for them. But what do we do? We put them in tough spots. We tell them “we will pray for you” or give them the “gift of singleness” BS. They're left with the options of fornication, marrying a pagan who will only lead them further from God, or they face a lifetime of singleness, becoming the cat lady in the process. Not exactly ideal, right? In addition, God told us to "be fruitful and multiply," later He also warned us not to be “unequally yoked with unbelievers.” So, which of these commands our sister break to uphold some tradition in monogamy that ain't even in the Bible? Now, let's talk about fixing that gender gap. Polygyny can balance those numbers out, giving women more chances to find a partner. Plus, it's just plain smart financially; women can share the load of housework and child-rearing, making life easier for everyone involved. Reason #3: Embracing Natural Desires. Check it, fam. Polygyny ain't about ignoring our natural desires; it's about recognizing and respecting 'em. Attraction, and companionship, it's all part of who we are as humans. And have you ever wondered why women’s biological clock stops at 35 or 40 years of age, while men can be making babies until they're basically fossils? God set that whole system up, my friends. Now that might make sense if women died at younger ages than men, but they don’t, men die younger. So it begs the question, why would God do that? Let's face it: older men ain't never gonna stop being attracted to younger women, and vice versa. It's just biology, plain and simple. By embracing polygyny, Christian men can stay true to their natural inclinations while also staying true to their faith-based values. I mean have you noticed how so many young men are converting to Islam these days? It’s partially because they see polygyny as a way to fulfill their desires, flex some social status, and feel good about themselves without being told they are pieces of shit for doing it. But it's not just about the fellas. Polygamy embraces the natural desires of women too. See, women are hypergamous; they wanna date up, and marry up. But with more women getting educated and earning like never before in history, it's slim pickings out there. It's like a game of musical chairs, and it creates a buyer's market for dudes. Ironically, Biblical polygyny would increase women’s value because there would be more brides and less single women on the market, incentivizing men to marry younger before all the good ones were spoken for? Right now, outside of wanting to be obedient to God, there is almost no incentive for men to marry anymore. Polygyny changes that. In addition, it also lets women marry top-tier men without settling for scraps. Many women would rather share a good, godly alpha man than have a beta dude all to themselves. And with 80% of single women dating and sleeping with just 20% of the men right now, that proves to you what I’m saying is true. Reason #4: Expansion of the Family and Community: Remember that “be fruitful and multiply command”? God meant that and it was one of His first commands. A woman can give birth once a year, but a man has the capacity to make hundreds of babies in one year under polygyny! God gave man that ability. Why would he do that? Plus, polygyny ensures kids inherit quality genes because more women are mating with the “Alphas”. The Bible says “Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” Psalm 127:3-5 So th Bible teaches it is good to have a lot of kids, The biological family is the number one tool to produce and raise disciples to take over the world and populate Heaven. But the devil has blinded us by convincing men they can’t have more than one wife. And let me tell you, that lie leads to all sorts of problems. Wives become rebellious, hard-hearted, disrespectful. And if the men don't end up cheating and ruining everything, their kids grow up seeing them as weak and powerless so the pattern continues throughout their generations. It's a vicious cycle, my friends. But polygyny? It breaks that power dynamic, empowering parents to raise good, godly children. You see, patriarchy without polygyny? Yeah, it's possible. But polygyny without patriarchy? That's just plain impossible. Polygyny is not only about expanding your family; it's about building a strong community and raising generations of warriors for God. Reason #5: FOMO: Many men fear getting married young because they have been taught when that their sexual marketplace value won’t hit it’s peak until later in life, it is going to rise as they get older, and that’s not wrong. Like selling a stock too early before it hits its high, they don’t want to sell themselves short and make a choice where they might feel like they settled later. They also don’t want to fornicate as they have been told that's a sin, and that’s not wrong either. But they're young and their hormones are raging, so what is a young man to do? Well because they have been falsely taught that monogamy is the only marriage structure acceptable to God let me tell you what they are doing: they throw it all out and just sleep around in their twenties and feel guilty about it. They sleep around and break women’s hearts in the process making it harder for the women who they slept with to pair bond with their future husbands. Remember, 80-90% of divorces are filed by women, not men, that’s a pair bonding problem and a direct result of the false doctrine of monogamy-only. With polygyny, marriage becomes more attractive to men. If a man knows before marrying that he can have more wives down the road if he chooses, that’s a game-changer. Men are unlikely to surrender their single opportunity, especially if they think there’s a chance they might find another woman they find more desirable down the road. So instead, they hang onto it and repeat an endless cycle of sinning and repenting, or just abandon the whole thing out of guilt. Again, God made provisions for all this and that provision is the ability to marry more than one if a man so chooses. So that’s it, those are my 5 reasons why Christian men should pursue polygamy. In conclusion, In ancient times polygyny was used to restore fathers, provide for mothers, and help raise children. Ask anyone who tells you why it was right back then and not now, why we don’t need this again. So, fellas, let's break free from the lies and let’s embrace the truth. It's time to step up and reclaim what's rightfully ours. Join a brotherhood of Christian men sifting through the noise and bullshit being fed to us by the ‘manosphere’ and most churches, and become the men God intended us to be. Join The Unplugged Christian Alphas Community on Facebook (100% free). Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, please consider reposting or sharing it with someone who needs to know. Would mean a lot to me and it helps expose the truth. Feel free to Say Hello On Instagram | Facebook | X | Tik Tok | Website Subscribe to my YouTube HERE

  • 10 Reasons Not To Have Sex Before Marriage

    Now most people that will tell you not to have sex until marriage probably haven’t had a lot of sex outside of marriage, and will give you some answer like because it’s a sin or you are breaking a commandment or something like that might not make a whole lot of sense to you. I on the other hand have had A LOT of sex outside of marriage and I’m here to explain to you very practically why you should wait to have sex until marriage, so practically in fact that you won’t even be able to dispute me because you’ll know that I’m right. Whether you choose to do it, well that’s up to you. I can’t do your push ups for you I can only show you the way. So let’s get started shall we? #10: Sex masks problems: When you’re having sex in a relationship what’s the point in really evaluating it? Why would you? You’re giving each other what you need. You might wonder sometimes if you’re in love or if you could spend the rest of your life with this person but you never really forced to look deeply. However when you’re not having sex you are forced to really examine it. Let me give you an example. My last relationship I was having sex with my girlfriend and I wasn’t sure if we were really in love or built to last I think I said. So I cut it off in the middle of it. And guess what, all the real issues came right up to the surface. Because when you’re not having sex it’s like: well I want to have sex again, and I know you want to have sex again, and if we’re REALLY in love, then let’s get married. But if we’re not, let’s stop wasting each other’s time. Because you could waste years of each other’s lives, just having sex. #9: Marriage allows you to evaluate your real feelings: So you start talking about no sex before marriage and everyone freaks out because it sounds extreme. But if I were to say no sex before love that sounds more reasonable right? Something you can get your head around. Well the next question would be how do you know if you’re in love? My answer would be you know if you’re in love because you’re willing to marry the person to have sex with them. Because no one is going to marry someone just to sleep with them. There’s a verse in the bible that reads the heart is deceitful above all things and it basically it tells us that our hearts will deceive us into believing something that’s not true so we give our flesh what it wants. Imagine you’re dating someone and you say to them I’m in love with you let’s have sex. And they say back to you I love you too, but let’s get married first, you would be like whoa, hold up let me think about this right? That’s a whole different conversation because we know marriage is hard to get out of. And that’s what the purpose of marriage was always for, to allow us to evaluate our real feelings to see if we were really in love so we didn’t get stuck with someone that we weren’t in love with. #8 Sex connects us: Ok this one is simple biology. There’s a hormone released called oxytocin that makes women attach to men and makes men protective over women. Google it. If you connect to someone that you’re not in love with, don’t start complaining when shit’s start falling apart in your relationship because you never took the time to find out who that person really was you jumped into bed (and a relationship) really was. Plus having multiple sex partners increase your risk of divorce, again Google it. It’s like having a piece of duct tape, and you stick it to something, and then you pull it away, and then you stick it to something else, and you pull it away, and if you do this enough times, eventually it can’t stick to anything. Sex is our connection mechanism hardwired into us. The good news, if you’ve already had sex it’s not too late! This connection mechanism can be restored with time. #7 Pregnancy: There’s always the chance you could make a baby when you have sex, and as I’ve already demonstrated, if you’re having sex outside of marriage there’s a pretty good chance it’s because at least one of you isn’t 100% sure they want to spend the rest of your life with that person. And if you make a baby with someone that you don’t plan to be with for the long haul there are only a few options and none of them are ideal. Abortion, adoption, single-parent home or loveless relationship. #6 Everybody else is “doing it”: Here’s a few stats for you. The average American goes on 3 dates before having sex. The rate of divorce in the United States is around 50%. My question is, of the people that are still married, what % of them are happy? Because my guess is it’s pretty low. If I had to guess I would say it’s around 20% and I suspect it could be even lower. But if it was 20% that would mean your chances of getting married and being happy are 1 in 10! IF you do it the way everyone else is doing it, which is what? Dating basically out of physical attraction and hooking up with the person after 3 dates. How well can you possibly know someone after 3 dates?! And now you’re in something complicated and connected to someone that you really don’t know that well. And that’s how people end up divorced or unhappily married. Contrast his with the less than 1 in 10 divorce rate of couples that waited til marriage to have sex and it aint hard to see the right way to go about this. Is it hard? Yes. But isn’t everything that works hard? Instant gratification NEVER produces long term happiness. Not in one single thing. It produces instant happiness and there’s a price to be paid for it down the road. #5 “That which we obtain too easily we esteem too lightly” Thomas paine There’s a saying that goes what we obtain too easily we esteem too lightly, and it basically means that if something didn’t cost you something you don’t really appreciate it that much. Outside of two isolated incidents, as of 2020 I’ve personally been abstinent now for the last 8 years letting God prepare my heart for my future wife. If I were to meet her tomorrow, I think it’s reasonable to assume that I would date her for at least a year before getting married. If I’m strong enough to make it to my wedding night, that will mean I have been abstaining from regular sex for 9 years by the time we get married and we get physical. If we get into an argument or disagreement, how quickly do you think I’ll walk away from that relationship knowing that it could be another 9 years before I find the next Mrs. Right? Whatever it is, we will work that shit out! Now contrast that, how easy is it for someone that had sex with their partner after 3 dates to throw it away and start over with someone new when things go south? #4 Transfer of control: Coming into a relationship the big thing that women have control over is when they have sex. 99 times out of 100 a woman is in control of that. But what often happens is that after sex, a woman will chase the man around for a relationship, the thing that he is in control of. Because when you boil it all the way down to the base, coming into a relationship, it was always supposed to be, a man was supposed to say to a woman, I will give you security (marriage), if you give me sex. So a woman that gives sex and doesn’t get commitment is just giving and not getting. And a man that is getting sex and doesn’t give commitment is just getting and not giving. This is why the world looks at a man that has sex with a lot of women as a stud, but a woman that has sex with a lot of men as a hoe. Not saying that one is less guilty of the other, but I did just prove my point. #3 If they marry you they mean it: Look talk is cheap. Ladies listen, guys are good salesman, they can tell you they love you and they might even mean it when they say it, but if they will wait until your wedding night to have sex with you, they probably mean it. If they won’t marry then tell them get to steppin’. Think how fast you will be able to go through the numbers of all the jokers until you find your prince charming that really does mean it? Trust me, he will be a lot happier you didn’t sleep with all those guys along the way too. #2 Physical attraction wears off: I’ve dated beautiful women in my life, and I found myself not even physically attracted to them anymore. I literally would lay next to them and would just rather have gone to sleep every night. There’s a saying that goes, show me the hottest girl in the world and I’ll show you a guy that’s tired of f%*king her. While that saying is terrible there’s some truth to it. Because when you lead with physical attraction and then somehow find yourself in a relationship with that person, it’s like the trick the universe plays on you, now you’re not physically attracted to them anymore because you never connected on a deeper level. #1 Better to have long term friends than short term sex partners: Life gets good when you have great relationships with others, especially members of the opposite sex. So why burn a relationship by having sex with someone that could be a great lifelong friend unless you’re sure that you want to go to that level with the person for the long term? If you do decide to get physical someone will catch feelings and when that physical relationship ends you will lose that person as a friend. So that’s it, those are my “10 REASONS NOT TO HAVE SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE.” Hopefully after reading this you understand better why it just makes sense to wait, and the real reason people don’t want to wait isn’t because they don’t believe IT’S right thing to do, it’s because it’s hard. But let me finish by saying this, EVERYTHING that works is hard. Squats are hard, dieting is hard, keeping your word is hard. And by no means am I preaching to you here. The only reason that I know the things I do is because I’ve done EVERYTHING wrong! But here’s the good news, if you’ve already had sex it’s not too late! All of this still works. I know from experience. Pickup a copy of my book, WHY WAITING WORKS. It has over 100 Five Star Reviews on Amazon and it’s the most practical book ever written on the subject of waiting to have sex until marriage. It is helping people all over the world avoid the mistakes everyone else is making and find REAL love. Join an army of people waiting for REAL love in the Waiting Works Community on Facebook (100% free) where we encourage and support each other to hit the mark in life and love 🎯. Men, join a brotherhood of Christian men sifting through the noise and bullshit being fed to us by the ‘manosphere’ and most churches, and become the real men God intended us to be. Join The Unplugged Christian Alphas Community on Facebook (100% free). Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, hit that applaud button👏 Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story. Feel free to repost or share with someone who needs to know. Say Hello On Instagram | Facebook | X | Tik Tok Subscribe to my YouTube HERE

  • Biblical Polygyny: A Forgotten Practice with Modern Implications

    In the realm of relationships and marriage, monogamy has been the accepted norm in Western societies for centuries. However, if we delve into the annals of biblical history, we find that monogamy, as we understand it today, was not the standard practice among the Jews, often referred to as “God’s people”. Instead, polygyny, a form of marriage in which a man has more than one wife was prevalent. The concept of monogamy as the only acceptable form of marriage is not explicitly written anywhere in the Bible. It was, in fact, a Roman idea, hence the term “romantic”. This Roman influence gradually permeated Christian societies, leading to the widespread adoption of monogamy. However, this shift has not been without its consequences. Today, we are witnessing a myriad of societal issues that can be linked, at least in part, to the monogamy-only model. Rampant adultery, skyrocketing divorce rates, mass abortions, widespread fornication, and a general reluctance to marry are all symptoms of a system that may not be serving society as well as we’d hoped. The statistics are alarming. The marriage rate is currently at its lowest point in history, with only five out of every 1,000 people getting married each year. This decline suggests that men, in particular, are finding less value in the institution of marriage. So what’s the solution? Could a return to biblical polygyny be the answer? While it’s impossible to predict with certainty the societal impact of such a shift, it’s worth considering. After all, we can clearly see the results of a monogamy-only model, and they leave much to be desired. Polygyny, if practiced with respect and fairness, could potentially offer a viable alternative. It could provide a solution for the imbalance in the marriage market and offer a different perspective on family structure and marital responsibilities. However, it’s important to note that any form of marriage, be it monogamy or polygyny, requires mutual respect, love, and understanding to thrive. The form of marriage is less important than the quality of the relationships it fosters. In conclusion, while biblical polygyny may seem like a radical concept in today’s world, it’s a part of our historical and religious heritage that deserves consideration. As we grapple with the societal issues stemming from our current marital practices, it’s crucial to explore all potential solutions, even those that challenge our modern norms. Join a brotherhood of Christian men sifting through the noise and bullshit being fed to us by the ‘manosphere’ and most churches, and become the real men God intended us to be. Join The Unplugged Christian Alphas Community on Facebook (100% free). Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, hit that 💕 button. Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people find the story. Feel free to repost or share with someone who needs to know. Say Hello On Instagram | Facebook | X | Tik Tok Subscribe to my YouTube Channel HERE


    In my book Why Waiting Works I extol the many benefits of waiting to have sex until marriage. My main reason for writing this book is to bring some clarity to a subject that I myself didn’t understand in the least when I started out on this journey. Many of the benefits that I write about in greater detail within this book, you can find on a video that I made a while back called 10 Reasons Not To Have Sex Before Marriage. Today I would like to talk to you about a practical truth, and that is this, if it costs us something we appreciate it more. We used to have a saying when I promoted nightclubs that went like this: “The more they pay, the longer they stay”. This referred to the idea that the higher the cover charge is to get into a club, the longer people would stay there (even if the place wasn’t crowded).  Typically we would charge $10, and that was enough of a commitment for people that they wouldn’t leave and go club-hopping to other bars. During events like the New Year’s Eve party that I throw every year, the tickets are $170 each… and no one leaves. Of course, it’s all-inclusive and it really is the best party in town, but the principle still stands true. I think there’s a lot that we can learn in this concept when it comes to sex and dating. At this point in my life, except two slip-ups a few years ago, I’ve been abstinent for just about 12 years. Ugh! I know right? Anyway, if I was to meet my Mrs. Right tomorrow and fall madly in love with her, the minimum amount of time I'd imagine we would date before getting married would probably be let's say a year. That means by the time my wedding night rolls around and I consummate that marriage I will have 13 years of abstinence invested in that relationship. Now suppose we get into an argument, and it’s a real doozy; how quickly do you think that I would walk away from that relationship knowing full well that I may have to wait another 7 years before meeting the next Mrs. Right and having a physical relationship with her? Whatever happens in that relationship, we will work that shit out! Now contrast this with the national average for a couple in the United States, who go on just three dates before they have sex. If things go south, how much easier would it be for them to throw in the towel and find somebody else to start the whole cycle over again with? Right. The argument that I hear the most for engaging in sex early in a relationship is that you have to test out your sexual compatibility. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard “You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive”. And yes you’re right, I wouldn’t buy it without taking it for a test drive, but people aren’t cars. Comparing a living breathing human being to an inanimate object is stupid in the first place, but since people do it all the time let’s go with it. When a woman is a virgin she has a natural seal, it’s called a hymen. What people who use this argument are essentially saying is that they want to crack the seal and give it a try. Then if they don’t like it, they can put them back on the rack. What if we did this with products in the grocery store? Would it raise or lower their value? Do you want to buy something that everyone else has sampled? You can see the stupidity in this argument, and how it breaks down if you just take a moment to play the tape through. It don’t work! And based off the divorce rates in this country it isn’t working for many of the people that go this route. Ladies… you want someone to buy that; and if you are giving it away you are essentially lowering the value. There isn’t one thing in all the world that you can give away and raise its value, so why do we think that it’s any different with our bodies? Everyone’s heard the old saying “Why buy the cow when you’re getting the milk for free?” Let’s be honest, we all know who the cow is in this scenario. It might be an old saying but it still applies. Plus if testing out your sexual compatibility theory were true, the people who do not test it out before commitment would have shorter more unfulfilling relationships right? The only problem with this is that none of the research in the numerous studies that have been done on the subject can back up this claim. The truth is that people with good sexual compatibility early on do not stay together longer. In fact, they break up earlier and are less fulfilled sexually in their relationships! To all the ladies out there, DO NOT let a man in without paying the price of a real commitment (marriage) and run the risk of having him waste your most eligible years. There’s a good chance that most of the women reading this post are the most attractive that you will ever be for the rest of your life right now. Ladies, if you want to get married and/or have babies, you should be using that to your full advantage. It blows my mind when I see girls dating and giving out the goodies for years, hoping for a proposal that never comes. Sometimes it works out, but too often they get traded in for someone else… sometimes even for a newer model. Ouch! The reason that abstaining from sex until a man proves his love for you with action by marrying you, makes sense for a woman is because men aren’t as worried about the commitment aspect of relationships for one big reason, time. Men don’t have a biological clock ticking. We can father children a lot later in life than women can bear children. It’s not uncommon to see older men who are easily able to get younger women. How often has the “Sexiest Man Alive” been a male actor that’s well past mid-life? It all goes back to women wanting security and men wanting sex, which I talk about in The Sex Trap. I know some women who are sleeping with men who won’t make the relationship official and others who are dating and sleeping with their boyfriends who won’t propose. Then they complain about men’s “commitment problems”. Let me set the record straight here, men don’t have issues with commitment. Men commit all the time to the things that they want badly enough. One of the biggest problems is that women aren’t making men commit. The real truth is that he either doesn’t like you enough to commit, or you are giving him all the luxuries of commitment (ie: sex) with none of the requirements. It’s your responsibility to make him want to commit by not getting physical with him until he’s ready to put up or shut up. When I promoted nightclubs the cover charge wasn’t negotiable. You paid or you didn’t get in. That was it. Do not pass go and do not collect $200. So please don’t let men in so easily and then wonder why they won’t stay. This is for the guys and girls, if you’re reading this and already getting physical with your partner thinking "Well it's too late, this doesn't apply to me", yes it does there’s still hope! If you want to audit the relationship to see if you are going anywhere (if the love is real), the best thing to do is to have a conversation with your partner and intentionally cut off the sex. It provides ultimate clarity by putting the relationship under a microscope so you can decide on whether to start progressing toward marriage or cut your losses. I know this isn't an easy thing to do, but I'm telling you from experience it can be done and it works. For more practical tips on dating, relationships, and how to find true love & long term happiness, pick up a copy of my book, Why Waiting Works and The Truth About Sex Study Guide (great for small groups). And join the Waiting Works Community on Facebook to get online support from others on this journey. Thanks for reading! :) If you enjoyed this article, share it. Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story. Say Hello On Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tik Tok Subscribe to my YouTube HERE

  • Shocking the Dating Pool: The Unconventional Case for Polygamy

    Today I’m diving into a hot topic that’s often overlooked and rarely discussed: biblical polygamy or polygyny (a man having multiple wives) to be exact. Yeah, I know, it’s a bit of a curveball, but let’s explore why this practice might make more sense than you’d think. First off, polygyny isn’t as crazy as it sounds. In fact, it has some legit advantages over traditional monogamy, like economic, social, and health benefits. Let’s break it down: 1. No Bible Banning: I have to start here for all the Christians like myself who might read this. The Bible doesn’t drop any direct disapproval of plural marriage. In fact, nowhere within the sacred scriptures is Christian plural marriage criminalized, punished, or even spoken against! Seriously, there are tons of things the Bible explicitly forbids, but polygyny ain’t one of ’em. It’s like God gave a thumbs-up through His silence. People tend to think that Adam and Eve set the standard for marriage forever. But the Bible was written by Jews and for Jews and they didn’t even believe that or practice it. So, yeah, you can be a Christian who’s into polygyny and still be in obedience to God. 2. More Kids: God told us to “be fruitful and multiply.” Polygyny can help with that because men can father more offspring by partnering with multiple women. Plus, it ensures their kids inherit some quality genes because more women are mating with the “Alphas”. 3. Fixing the Gender Gap: In just about every church in the world, there are more women who want to be married than men. Polygyny can balance that out, giving women more chances to find a partner. Plus, it’s financially savvy; women can share the load of housework and child-rearing, which makes life easier for everyone involved. 4. Boosting Men’s Confidence: Men taking more than one wife can fulfill more of their desires, flex some social status, and generally feel good about themselves. It’s a win-win! 5. Animal Instincts: Even in the animal kingdom, only a small percentage of species are monogamous (3–5%). We might be able to learn a thing or two from nature. 6. Hypergamy in Action: Women are often attracted to men who match or exceed their education and earnings. As more women outperform men academically and financially, the dating pool shrinks. Currently, it’s an 80/20 situation where 80% of the women are sleeping with 20% of the men; some say it’s more like 95/5! So in spite of what a woman might tell you, the single ones who are sexually active (the majority by far of women), are already doing this! It’s just really scummy because the men in most cases have to be deceptive and have zero responsibility for the women they are sleeping with. Now, let’s talk about some real-world issues. 7. Numbers Don’t Lie: Single moms, mistresses, fornication, divorce, and lonely women — these problems are all too common today. Polygyny could offer a solution. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and no one would force anyone who didn’t want to participate, but it could definitely help address these challenges. Why would our society make this illegal when you can legally have as many children with as many women as you want without a commitment of marriage… why in the world is it illegal to commit to them??? Can anyone explain how in the hell that makes sense? 8. The Sexual Revolution: Some might say this setup is not ideal for women, but you can thank feminism and the sexual revolution for that. One of the most valuable things a woman brings to a relationship is her chastity. Asking men to commit to women who haven’t been waiting or have been with multiple partners isn’t realistic. When you let everyone ride the rollercoaster for free, men stop seeing the need to pay for the whole amusement park (i.e., marriage). I know it’s an old saying but it still rings true, who wants to buy the cow when everyone’s been milking it for free? 9. Making Marriage Great Again: With polygyny, marriage becomes more attractive to men. If a man knows before marrying that he can have more wives, that’s a game-changer. Men are unlikely to surrender their single opportunity, their one golden ticket for love and joy with just one woman, especially if they believe they might find another woman they find desirable down the road. This again is why I point to the record low numbers of marriages in my last blog on here about this subject. So, in a world where the dating pool is more like a cesspool, maybe it’s time to shock it so we can all swim again. Polygyny could be the exact thing we need to get things back on track. I get it, this might ruffle some feathers, but I firmly believe polygyny is the answer we’ve been looking for to address some of the many challenges we face today specifically in relationships and marriage. Join a brotherhood of Christian men sifting through the noise and B.S. being fed to us by most churches and the ‘manosphere’, and become the real men God intended you to be. Join The Unplugged Christian Alphas Community on Facebook (100% free). Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, hit that applaud button👏 Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story. Feel free to repost or share with someone who needs to know. Say Hello On Instagram | Facebook | X | Tik Tok Subscribe to my YouTube HERE


    In my book, Why Waiting Works, I attempt to explain The Sex Trap and this is where I get myself into some heated debates—mostly with my female friends.  But try to stick with me and keep an open mind; I promise if you catch this it will help you avoid some pain and wasted time. The problem starts with the differences in what men are looking for versus what women are looking for in dating and relationships.  Here it is, at a very base level men want sex and women want security.  Don’t kill the messenger. This difference in sexual agendas stems from the difference in the very nature of our biology. Women seek security because most eventually want children and with them a committed husband and father. This is where the trouble begins: right now the average American couple goes on three dates before having sex; but how well do you really know someone after only three dates? A person can pretend to be anyone for three dates. Anyone can be on their best behavior and be who you want them to be in that short amount of time to make you think that they could be “the one”. In today’s culture, many females, for fear of being alone and because they are jaded, are giving out the sex early in the relationship hoping that they will get the security (commitment) from a man later (ouch #sorrynotsorry). The Trap thickens: From a man’s perspective, when a woman offers you sex without commitment; it’s hard to turn down. It’s the equivalent of someone offering you free money. Men know deep down it’s supposed to cost us something—and I don’t mean money—so when it is offered without so much as even the promise of a commitment, it’s like “why am I saying no to this again?” This video will help to explain. Sounds a little sexist right? I’m sorry but this is biology. Men’s and women’s brains are wired very differently; because of this having sex too quickly will usually end in one of two ways: 1) The woman will get attached but then the man will get cold feet resulting in hurt feelings and a broken relationship. Women, how often have you slept with a man that seemed into you before having sex; only to see him become distant after getting intimate? Right. Now I imagine some women reading this will say, “no this isn’t true”; but speaking from my experience, if a woman will have sex with you she almost always wants to be in a committed relationship at some point afterwards. Eventually, this turns into waiting for a can see where I’m going with this. 2) The other thing that happens too often is the new couple will continue to date and sleep together, and unless they got EXTREMELY lucky (on the level of someone that hit the lottery), they find themselves in a relationship with less than their ideal match. So they have sex and it gets mistaken for love because something known as oxytocin (aka: "the love hormone”) gets released; and before they know it; they are stuck in The Sex Trap. The sex did what it was designed to do, connected them. They think that they are in love, but they hardly even know each other!  Now they are bonded—emotionally, chemically, physically.  Then they live not-so-happily ever after wasting years of each other’s lives—sometimes, wasting their whole lives! These are the economics of sex and why you see women in physical relationships with boyfriends who are dragging their feet saying things like “Girl, I don’t know when he’s going to propose.” Well, I’m sorry to tell you, ladies; if you’re having sex with him he’s probably not in any rush. He’s not motivated! Possibly the worst part of all is when The Sex Trap is fully grown and one if not both people wind up losing physical attraction for the other (regardless of how good they look), wanting sex with other people instead of or at least in addition to their partner. I speak from experience here when I tell you, if you don’t connect with your partner on a deep level, (and this takes time to figure out) that person alone won’t be enough to satisfy you physically long-term. There’s more to a relationship than sex, but a couple’s sex life often reflects the state of their relationship. When couples stop having sex, or a person starts cheating, it is usually the symptom of being disconnected on a deeper level. Here’s the kicker, in the long run, you wind up having less sex than the person who exercised some self-restraint and waited to get to know the other person before bedding them. It’s like the trick that God played on us and it is The Sex Trap. Now I’m sure some people will read this and tell me I’m wrong, but numerous studies extol the benefits of waiting, plus we’ve all heard a million times “the sex stops after you get married.” No shit, that’s because you did it in the wrong order Sherlock! All of this because you took the bait and fell into The Sex Trap, and it happens all the time! I mean the rate of divorce in this country alone tells us that we may be doing something wrong here. In the next few weeks, I’ll be writing a series of blogs sharing my experiences and observations along with excerpts from my book in hopes of shedding some light on a very misunderstood; but vital to-understand subject, and hopefully in the process help people avoid The Sex Trap.  This is Why Waiting Works. For more practical tips on dating, relationships and how to find true love & long-term happiness, pick up a copy of my book, Why Waiting Works + The Truth About Sex Study Guide (great for small groups) for free. And join the Waiting Works Community on Facebook to get online support from others on this journey. Thanks for reading! :) If you enjoyed this article, share it. Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story. Say Hello On Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Tik Tok Subscribe to my YouTube HERE

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